Engraving Information

This item can be personalized with free engraving. Here is how to add personalization:

  1. Please go back to the item page and check the "Personalize It" box right above the price, to the right of the image.

  2. You'll be able to enter your engraving text, choose a font and size and get a rough approximation of what it will look like. After you enter your text and choose a font and size, hit the "Preview Personalization" button. Your preview will show you how your engraving will look in the font and size you've selected.

  3. If the preview looks good, you can hit the "Confirm" button and add your item to the shopping cart. Your engraving options (text, font and size) will be saved and attached to your order.

  4. If the preview does not work for you, you can hit the "Edit" button. You'll be able to choose different fonts and sizes and preview those as well.

  5. If you're ordering multiple items, each with different engraving, there is an easy way to add them all on one order. Enter the engraving for the first one and then add it to your shopping cart. Hit the "Keep Shopping" button in the shopping cart and you'll be brought back to the item page. You can then add the engraving for the second item and add it to your shopping cart. Continue doing this until all of your items are in your shopping cart, then you can check out once and have them shipped together.